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100% Reclaim & recycling / Zero to landfill / Year-on-year energy use reduction

Williams holds the Environmental Management certification ISO 14001 for the design, manufacture, installation and servicing of refrigeration products. We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint - monitored by trained staff to ensure we maximise ‘re-use and recycling’ to minimise waste. We have also maintained being a zero to landfill business for a number of years.

In 2019 we set a target to reduce both electricity and gas levels by 10% over two years. Year-to- date figures are currently standing at a reduction of 29.5% and 20.6% respectively with further reductions still to be made.

We are a low user of energy for a company of our size. We have achieved these results through a combination of hard work, vigilance and innovative procedures.

We are committed to 100% recycling of scrap metal and plastic waste. Scrap metal is segregated into purpose made skips and then transferred to waste recycling centres where it is cleaned and sampled for re-use. Plastic waste is also segregated into a dedicated skip and collected by Valpak, a leading provider of environmental compliance, for sustainable recycling. Furthermore, all the wood we use is sourced from FCS suppliers, with pallets re-used and waste wood 100% recycled.

Our packaging is 100% recyclable, although the bulk of the packaging is reused. We reuse shredded office paper for spare parts packaging; all waste and by products are colour coded to allow easy identification for despatch to specialist waste processors.

Suppliers must also adhere to strict criteria to minimise their packaging. Although we have a continued increase in production output we have consistently reduced our packaging tonnage, with over 1 tonne of cardboard being recycled a month.

We apply the same rigorous standards to liquid waste. We only use chemicals that are strictly required by our processes – and alternatives are actively sought for any considered harmful. All staff are fully trained with Spillage Procedures. Regular inspections ensure nothing can contaminate the local drain system. Residues are collected, separated and sent to specialist waste handlers for treatment.

We continue to invest in comprehensive energy-saving technologies, from low energy lighting to speed-shut doors that conserve heat in the production area. Our energy-saving procedures range from minimising heating by sharing office space to function-testing cabinets overnight using off-peak electricity.

A number of energy reduction/environmental impacts and initiatives continue to be reviewed, which include;
• Air compressor efficiency
• Heat leakage
• Plant & equipment energy monitoring
• LED lighting in other areas of the business
• Gas & electricity usage
• Recycling of materials (Cordex used for the protection of materials in manufacturing)

Zero to landfill

Collaboration with our waste contractor is important. We work closely to achieve environmentally sound solutions for waste management and we are committed to continual improvement of our Environmental Management System (EMS) to enhance our environmental performance.

We follow key principals to support this, which include:
• Comply with legal and regulatory compliance obligations
• Promote environmental awareness throughout the company
• Identify environmental implications of our activities and establish methods to minimise impacts
• Ensure staff are well trained on environmental risks and solutions
• Maintain effective EMS that details thorough procedures and practices
• Ongoing review of environmental performance

2,298 Solar panels

Another key and crucial area in our energy-saving initiative is through our solar panels. In 2019, we set a two year target to generate an average of 25% energy from the solar panels, with current performance generating just over 35%.

Installed in 2015, the 2,298 solar panels, one of the largest rooftop installations in Europe, are the main source of energy generation for seven months of the calendar year, reducing the company’s annual CO2 emissions by 297 tonnes. The solar panels generate an average of 496,000kWh of electricity per year.

Williams Refrigeration - Solar panels

Plant and Manufacturing Investment

In recent years Williams has invested heavily in new machinery and equipment at our King’s Lynn headquarters, reaffirming our ongoing commitment to quality, reliability and energy efficiency.

Since 2016, our UK manufacturing plant alone has seen almost £2 million of investment. In December 2019, £250,000 was invested on new machinery that has contributed significantly to energy reduction as well as producing 50% less material waste.

Two automated punching stations - Servo motors have replaced hydraulic punch, reducing energy requirement from 12 kWh to 5 kWh.
Approximately 60% reduction in energy usage.

LED lighting installed in Plant 2 & Warehouse.
Approximately 127,000 kWh p.a. reduction in energy usage.

Williams Refrigeration - Punching station
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